Machine Annotation Service Resources (In Progress)

Machine Annotation Service Resources (In Progress)

This page contains an assortment of resources to help explain the structure and relationship of the Machine Annotation object.


Class Diagrams

 class MachineAnnotationService { 
   ID : string 
   type : string 
   version : integer 
   name : string 
   description : string 
   dateCreated : string 
   dateTombstoned : string 
   creator : string 
   containerImage : string 
   containerTag : string 
   TargetDigitalObjectFilter : object 
   creativeWorkStatus : string 
   codeRepository : string 
   programmingLanguage : string 
   serviceAvailability : string 
   license : string 
   dependency : array 
   slaDocumentation : string 
   topicName : string 
   batchingPermitted : boolean 
   timeToLive : integer 
 class maintainer { 
   identifier : string 
   name : string 
   email : string 
   url : string 
 class ContactPoint { 
   description : string 
   email : string 
   url : string 
   telephone : string 
MachineAnnotationService -- maintainer 
MachineAnnotationService -- ContactPoint 


Entity-Relationship Diagrams

  MachineAnnotationService ||--o| maintainer : Has
  MachineAnnotationService ||--o| ContactPoint : Has


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