Data Mapping Quick Reference Guide (In Progress)

On this page

Overview (In Progress)


The tables below provides a summary of the required classes and terms. Term requirements are subject to the use of the parent class where a term that belongs to an optional class are required if and only if, their parent class is in use.

Required Classes
Required Terms

Open Digital Specimen


ods:Mapping Class
Qualified Term ods:Mapping
Label Mapping
Definition Mapping data model, used for data-mapping between different data models
ods:ID Property
Qualified Term ods:ID
Label Id
Definition Handle of the Mapping
  • ['']
ods:type Property
Qualified Term ods:type
Label Type
Definition The DOI to the FDO type of the object
  • ['']
schema:version Property
Qualified Term schema:version
Label Version
Definition Version of the Mapping,
schema:name Property
Qualified Term schema:name
Label Name
Definition Name of the Mapping as provided by the user,
  • ['Default Mapping for Herbarium of University of Coimbra (COI)']
schema:description Property
Qualified Term schema:description
Label Description
Definition Description of the Mapping as provided by the user,
  • ['The default mapping for the Herbarium of the University of Coimbra (COI) to the Darwin Core standard.']
schema:dateCreated Property
Qualified Term schema:dateCreated
Label Date Created
Definition Timestamp of creation. Internally generated,
  • ['2021-06-01T12:00:000Z']
ods:dateTombstoned Property
Qualified Term ods:dateTombstoned
Label Date Tombstoned
Definition Timestamp Mapping was tombstoned and no longer active. Generated on request of the user
  • ['2021-06-01T12:00:000Z']
ods:creator Property
Qualified Term ods:creator
Label Creator
Definition The internal user ID of the creator of the Mapping
  • ['e2befba6-9324-4bb4-9f41-d7dfae4a44b0']
ods:DefaultMapping Property
Qualified Term ods:DefaultMapping
Label Default Mapping
Definition A mapping object setting default values for ods terms. These default mappings will be set for each record in the dataset. Key is the ods term, value the default value to use
  • [[{'ods:physicalSpecimenIdType': 'cetaf'}, {'ods:type': 'ZoologyVertebrateSpecimen'}, {'ods:organisationId': ''}]]
ods:FieldMapping Property
Qualified Term ods:FieldMapping
Label Field Mapping
Definition Setting an explicit mapping for an ods term to a term from the incoming dataset. Key is the ods term, value the incoming data standard term
  • [[{'ods:physicalSpecimenId': 'dwc:catalogNumber'}]]
ods:mappingDataStandard Property
Qualified Term ods:mappingDataStandard
Label Mapping Data Standard
Definition Type of data standard we are mapping to