Digital Specimen Core Resources (In Progress)

Digital Specimen Resources (In Progress)

This page contains an assortment of resources to help explain the structure and relationship of the Digital Media object.


Class Diagrams

 class DigitalSpecimen { 
   ID : string 
   version : integer 
   created : string 
   type : string 
   midsLevel : integer 
   normalisedPhysicalSpecimenID : string 
   physicalSpecimenID : string 
   physicalSpecimenIDType : None 
   topicOrigin : None 
   topicDomain : None 
   topicDiscipline : None 
   isMarkedAsType : boolean 
   isKnownToContainMedia : boolean 
   specimenName : string 
   sourceSystemID : string 
   livingOrPreserved : None 
   language : array 
   license : string 
   modified : string 
   basisOfRecord : string 
   preparations : string 
   disposition : string 
   institutionCode : string 
   institutionID : string 
   institutionName : string 
   collectionCode : string 
   collectionID : string 
   informationWithheld : string 
   dataGeneralizations : string 
   ownerInstitutionCode : string 
   recordedBy : string 
   recordedByID : string 
   datasetName : string 
   datasetID : string 
   accessRights : string 
   rightsHolder : string 
   verbatimLabel : string 
   organismID : string 
   organismName : string 
   organismScope : string 
   associatedOrganisms : string 
   organismRemarks : string 
   dynamicProperties : object 
   hasMaterialEntity : array 
   hasIdentification : array 
   hasAssertion : array 
   hasEvent : array 
   hasEntityRelationship : array 
   hasCitation : array 
   hasIdentifier : array 
   hasChronometricAge : array 
   hasAgent : array 
 class MaterialEntity { 
   materialEntityID : string 
   materialEntityType : string 
   preparations : string 
   disposition : string 
   institutionCode : string 
   institutionID : string 
   institutionName : string 
   collectionCode : string 
   collectionID : string 
   ownerInstitutionCode : string 
   recordedBy : string 
   recordedByID : string 
   verbatimLabel : string 
   hasIdentification : array 
   hasAssertion : array 
   hasEntityRelationship : array 
   hasCitation : array 
   hasIdentifier : array 
   hasEvent : array 
   hasAgent : array 
 class Identification { 
   identificationID : string 
   identificationType : string 
   taxonFormula : string 
   verbatimIdentification : string 
   typeStatus : string 
   identifiedBy : string 
   identifiedByID : string 
   dateIdentified : string 
   identificationReferences : string 
   isVerifiedIdentification : boolean 
   identificationRemarks : string 
   identificationQualifier : string 
   hasCitation : array 
   hasTaxonIdentification : array 
 class TaxonIdentification { 
   taxonID : string 
   scientificName : string 
   scientificNameID : string 
   scientificNameHtmlLabel : string 
   scientificNameAuthorship : string 
   nameAccordingTo : string 
   namePublishedInYear : string 
   taxonRank : string 
   verbatimTaxonRank : string 
   taxonSource : string 
   taxonRemarks : string 
   kingdom : string 
   phylum : string 
   class : string 
   order : string 
   family : string 
   subfamily : string 
   genus : string 
   specificEpithet : string 
   taxonomicStatus : string 
   nomenclaturalCode : string 
   vernacularName : string 
   subgenus : string 
   acceptedNameUsage : string 
   acceptedNameUsageID : string 
   cultivarEpithet : string 
   genericName : string 
   infragenericEpithet : string 
   infraspecificEpithet : string 
   nomenclaturalStatus : string 
   originalNameUsage : string 
   subtribe : string 
   superfamily : string 
   tribe : string 
 class Event { 
   organismQuantity : string 
   organismQuantityType : string 
   sex : string 
   lifeStage : string 
   reproductiveCondition : string 
   behavior : string 
   caste : string 
   vitality : string 
   establishmentMeans : string 
   occurrenceStatus : None 
   pathway : string 
   degreeOfEstablishment : string 
   georeferenceVerificationStatus : string 
   occurrenceRemarks : string 
   eventName : string 
   fieldNumber : string 
   recordNumber : string 
   eventType : string 
   eventDate : string 
   eventTime : string 
   endDayOfYear : integer 
   startDayOfYear : integer 
   verbatimEventDate : string 
   year : integer 
   month : integer 
   day : integer 
   habitat : string 
   protocolDescriptions : string 
   sampleSizeValue : number 
   sampleSizeUnit : string 
   samplingProtocol : string 
   samplingEffort : string 
   fieldNotes : string 
   eventRemarks : string 
   collectorName : string 
   collectorID : string 
   hasAssertion : array 
   Location : object 
 class Location { 
   locationID : string 
   continent : string 
   waterBody : string 
   islandGroup : string 
   island : string 
   country : string 
   countryCode : string 
   stateProvince : string 
   county : string 
   municipality : string 
   locality : string 
   verbatimLocality : string 
   minimumElevationInMeters : number 
   higherGeographyID : string 
   higherGeography : string 
   maximumElevationInMeters : number 
   verbatimElevation : string 
   minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters : number 
   maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters : number 
   minimumDepthInMeters : number 
   maximumDepthInMeters : number 
   verbatimDepth : string 
   verticalDatum : string 
   locationAccordingTo : string 
   locationRemarks : string 
 class GeoReference { 
   verbatimCoordinates : string 
   decimalLatitude : number 
   verbatimLatitude : string 
   decimalLongitude : number 
   verbatimLongitude : string 
   verbatimCoordinateSystem : string 
   geodeticDatum : string 
   coordinateUncertaintyInMeters : number 
   coordinatePrecision : number 
   pointRadiusSpatialFit : number 
   footprintWKT : string 
   footprintSRS : string 
   verbatimSRS : string 
   footprintSpatialFit : integer 
   georeferencedBy : string 
   georeferencedDate : string 
   georeferenceProtocol : string 
   georeferenceSources : string 
   georeferenceRemarks : string 
 class GeologicalContext { 
   earliestEonOrLowestEonothem : string 
   latestEonOrHighestEonothem : string 
   earliestEraOrLowestErathem : string 
   latestEraOrHighestErathem : string 
   earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem : string 
   latestPeriodOrHighestSystem : string 
   earliestEpochOrLowestSeries : string 
   latestEpochOrHighestSeries : string 
   earliestAgeOrLowestStage : string 
   latestAgeOrHighestStage : string 
   lowestBiostratigraphicZone : string 
   highestBiostratigraphicZone : string 
   lithostratigraphicTerms : string 
   group : string 
   formation : string 
   member : string 
   bed : string 
 class Agent { 
   agentRole : string 
   agentType : string 
   agentID : string 
   agentName : string 
   agentRoleBegan : string 
   agentRoleEnded : string 
   agentRoleOrder : integer 
   hasIdentifier : array 
 class Assertion { 
   measurementID : string 
   parentMeasurementID : string 
   measurementType : string 
   measurementType : string 
   measurementDeterminedDate : string 
   measurementValue : string 
   measurementValue : string 
   measurementAccuracy : string 
   measurementUnit : string 
   measurementUnit : string 
   assertionByAgentName : string 
   assertionByAgentID : string 
   assertionProtocol : string 
   assertionProtocolID : string 
   assertionRemarks : string 
 class Citation { 
   identifier : string 
   type : string 
   date : string 
   title : string 
   creator : string 
   citationPageNumber : string 
   citationRemarks : string 
   referenceType : string 
   bibliographicCitation : string 
   referenceYear : integer 
   referenceIRI : string 
   isPeerReviewed : boolean 
 class EntityRelationship { 
   relationshipOfResource : string 
   relationshipOfResourceID : string 
   relatedResourceID : string 
   relatedResourceURI : string 
   relationshipEstablishedDate : string 
   entityRelationshipOrder : integer 
   relationshipAccordingTo : string 
   relationshipAccordingToID : string 
   relationshipRemarks : string 
 class Identifier { 
   title : string 
   localTitle : string 
   identifier : string 
   format : string 
   subject : string 
   isPartOfLabel : boolean 
   isBarcodeOrNFC : boolean 
   isIDPersistent : boolean 
 class ChronometricAge { 
   chronometricAgeID : string 
   verbatimChronometricAge : string 
   verbatimChronometricAgeProtocol : string 
   uncalibratedChronometricAge : string 
   chronometricAgeConversionProtocol : string 
   earliestChronometricAge : integer 
   earliestChronometricAgeReferenceSystem : string 
   latestChronometricAge : integer 
   latestChronometricAgeReferenceSystem : string 
   chronometricAgeUncertaintyInYears : integer 
   chronometricAgeUncertaintyMethod : string 
   materialDated : string 
   materialDatedID : string 
   materialDatedRelationship : string 
   chronometricAgeDeterminedBy : string 
   chronometricAgeDeterminedDate : string 
   chronometricAgeReferences : string 
   chronometricAgeRemarks : string 

    DigitalSpecimen -- MaterialEntity
    DigitalSpecimen -- Identification
    DigitalSpecimen -- Event
    DigitalSpecimen -- Citation
    DigitalSpecimen -- Identifier
    DigitalSpecimen -- Assertion
    DigitalSpecimen -- Agent
    DigitalSpecimen -- EntityRelationship
    DigitalSpecimen -- ChronometricAge
    Event -- Location
    Event -- Assertion
    Location -- GeoReference
    Location -- GeologicalContext
    MaterialEntity -- Event
    MaterialEntity -- Citation
    MaterialEntity -- Identifier
    MaterialEntity -- EntityRelationship
    MaterialEntity -- Agent
    MaterialEntity -- Assertion
    MaterialEntity -- Identification
    Agent -- Identifier
    Identification -- Citation
    Identification -- TaxonIdentification

Entity-Relationship Diagrams

    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ MaterialEntity : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ Identification : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ Event : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ Citation : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ Identifier : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ Assertion : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ Agent : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ EntityRelationship : Has
    DigitalSpecimen ||--o{ ChronometricAge : Has
    Event ||--o| Location : Has
    Event ||--o{ Assertion : Has
    Location ||--o| GeoReference : Has
    Location ||--o| GeologicalContext : Has
    MaterialEntity ||--o{ Event : Has
    MaterialEntity ||--o{ Citation : Has
    MaterialEntity ||--o{ Identifier : Has
    MaterialEntity ||--o{ EntityRelationship : Has
    MaterialEntity ||--o{ Agent : Has
    MaterialEntity ||--o{ Assertion : Has
    MaterialEntity ||--o{ Identification : Has
    Agent ||--o{ Identifier : Has
    Identification ||--o{ Citation : Has
    Identification ||--o| TaxonIdentification : Has

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