Machine Annotation Service Quick Reference Guide (In Progress)

Overview (In Progress)


The tables below provides a summary of the required classes and terms. Term requirements are subject to the use of the parent class where a term that belongs to an optional class are required if and only if, their parent class is in use.

Required Classes
Required Terms

Open Digital Specimen


schema:description Property
Qualified Term schema:description
Label Description
Definition Description of the contact point,
schema:email Property
Qualified Term schema:email
Label Email
Definition Email of the contact point,
schema:url Property
Qualified Term schema:url
Label Url
Definition Email of the contact point,
schema:telephone Property
Qualified Term schema:telephone
Label Telephone
Definition Telephone number of the contact point,
ods:MachineAnnotationService Class
Qualified Term ods:MachineAnnotationService
Label Machine Annotation Service
Definition A Machine Annotation Service
ods:ID Property
Qualified Term ods:ID
Label Id
Definition Handle of the Machine Annotation Service
  • ['']
ods:type Property
Qualified Term ods:type
Label Type
Definition The DOI to the FDO type of the object
  • ['']
schema:version Property
Qualified Term schema:version
Label Version
Definition Version of the Machine Annotation Service,
schema:name Property
Qualified Term schema:name
Label Name
Definition Name of the Machine Annotation Service as provided by the user,
  • ['GBIF Linker Service']
schema:description Property
Qualified Term schema:description
Label Description
Definition Description of the Machine Annotation Service as provided by the user,
  • ['A service that links GBIF records to a DiSSCo Digital Specimen. It creates an EntityRelationship indicating the relationship']
schema:dateCreated Property
Qualified Term schema:dateCreated
Label Date Created
Definition Timestamp of creation. Internally generated,
  • ['2021-06-01T12:00:000Z']
ods:dateTombstoned Property
Qualified Term ods:dateTombstoned
Label Date Tombstoned
Definition Timestamp Machine Annotation Service was tombstoned and no longer active. Generated on request of the user
  • ['2021-06-01T12:00:000Z']
ods:creator Property
Qualified Term ods:creator
Label Creator
Definition The internal user ID of the creator of the Machine Annotation Service
  • ['e2befba6-9324-4bb4-9f41-d7dfae4a44b0']
ods:containerImage Property
Qualified Term ods:containerImage
Label Container Image
Definition URI of the image of the containerized application
ods:containerTag Property
Qualified Term ods:containerTag
Label Container Tag
Definition Tag of the image
ods:TargetDigitalObjectFilter Property
Qualified Term ods:TargetDigitalObjectFilter
Label Target Digital Object Filter
Definition Filters describing the criteria that must be met in order to apply the MAS. No filters implies the MAS may run on *any* digital object. Field names are given in JSON paths, and accepted values for that field are provided as an arrays
schema:creativeWorkStatus Property
Qualified Term schema:creativeWorkStatus
Label Creative Work Status
Definition The current status of the service,
schema:codeRepository Property
Qualified Term schema:codeRepository
Label Code Repository
Definition Link to code base of MAS,
schema:programmingLanguage Property
Qualified Term schema:programmingLanguage
Label Programming Language
Definition The programming language of the MAS,
ods:serviceAvailability Property
Qualified Term ods:serviceAvailability
Label Service Availability
Definition Availability commitment of the service provider as described in the SLA
schema:maintainer Class
Qualified Term schema:maintainer
Label Maintainer
Definition Party maintaining the code
schema:license Property
Qualified Term schema:license
Label License
Definition License of the service,
ods:dependency Property
Qualified Term ods:dependency
Label Dependency
Definition Handles from other MAS that this MAS depends on
  • [['']]
schema:ContactPoint Class
Qualified Term schema:ContactPoint
Label Contact Point
Definition The contact point for support and information for the MAS,
ods:slaDocumentation Property
Qualified Term ods:slaDocumentation
Label Sla Documentation
Definition Link to SLA documentation
ods:topicName Property
Qualified Term ods:topicName
Label Topic Name
Definition Kafka topic through which the MAS receives messages. Defaults to PID of MAS
ods:batchingPermitted Property
Qualified Term ods:batchingPermitted
Label Batching Permitted
Definition Whether or not this MAS can create Batch Annotations. MAS outputs must then comply with batchMetadata, see
ods:timeToLive Property
Qualified Term ods:timeToLive
Label Time To Live
Definition Time in milliseconds the MAS message may remain in the Kafka Queue before being marked as timed out. Min 1 hour.


schema:identifier Property
Qualified Term schema:identifier
Label Identifier
Definition Identifier of the maintainer, Recommendation to use ROR or ORCID
schema:name Property
Qualified Term schema:name
Label Name
Definition Name of the maintainer,
schema:email Property
Qualified Term schema:email
Label Email
Definition Email of the maintainer,
schema:url Property
Qualified Term schema:url
Label Url
Definition URL of the maintainer,