Annotation Quick Reference Guide (In Progress)

Overview (In Progress)


The tables below provides a summary of the required classes and terms. Term requirements are subject to the use of the parent class where a term that belongs to an optional class are required if and only if, their parent class is in use.

Required Classes
Required Terms

Open Digital Specimen


schema:ratingCount Property
Qualified Term schema:ratingCount
Label Rating Count
Definition The count of total number of ratings.
  • [3]
schema:ratingValue Property
Qualified Term schema:ratingValue
Label Rating Value
Definition The rating for the content.
  • [4.5]


ods:Annotation Class
Qualified Term ods:Annotation
Label Annotation
Definition Annotation model based on the W3C Web Annotation Data Model (
ods:ID Property
Qualified Term ods:ID
Label Id
Definition The handle of the annotation. It is a unique identifier for the annotation. It is composed of the handle of the document followed by a slash and a unique identifier for the annotation.
  • ['']
ods:jobID Property
Qualified Term ods:jobID
Label Job Id
Definition Handle of the job record, if the annotation was produced by a Machine Annotation Service, only filled when annotation was created by a MAS
  • ['']
rdf:type Property
Qualified Term rdf:type
Label Type
Definition The type of the annotation. It is always ods:Annotation.
ods:version Property
Qualified Term ods:version
Label Version
Definition The version of the object, each change generates a new version
  • [1]
oa:motivation Property
Qualified Term oa:motivation
Label Motivation
Definition The motivation for the annotation. Based on a selection of The motivation ods:adding is added for DiSSCo's purposes.
oa:motivatedBy Property
Qualified Term oa:motivatedBy
Label Motivated By
Definition Describes the reason for the annotation.
  • ['The country is incorrect']
oa:hasTarget Class
Qualified Term oa:hasTarget
Label Has Target
Definition Indicates the particular object and part of the object on which the annotation has been made.
oa:hasBody Class
Qualified Term oa:hasBody
Label Has Body
Definition The body of the annotation contains the specific value of the annotation
dcterms:creator Class
Qualified Term dcterms:creator
Label Creator
Definition Object containing information on who created the object
dcterms:created Property
Qualified Term dcterms:created
Label Created
Definition The date and time when the annotation was created.
ods:dateTombstoned Property
Qualified Term ods:dateTombstoned
Label Date Tombstoned
Definition Timestamp Annotation was tombstoned and no longer active. Generated on request of the user. Empty as long as Annotation is active
  • ['2021-06-01T12:00:000Z']
dcterms:issued Property
Qualified Term dcterms:issued
Label Issued
Definition The date and time when the annotation was generated.
as:generator Class
Qualified Term as:generator
Label Generator
Definition Object containing information on who generated the object. Generated is here seen as who stored/indexed the object. In most case this will be the annotation-processing-service
schema:AggregateRating Class
Qualified Term schema:AggregateRating
Label Aggregate Rating
Definition The average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews
ods:batchID Property
Qualified Term ods:batchID
Label Batch Id
Definition Internally generated PID to identify the batch the annotation was generated by


foaf:name Property
Qualified Term foaf:name
Label Name
Definition The name of the creator.
  • ['Gbif linker service']


foaf:name Property
Qualified Term foaf:name
Label Name
Definition The name of the creator.
  • ['Gbif linker service']


oa:value Property
Qualified Term oa:value
Label Value
Definition An array of multiple values in string representation specific for the particular selector
dcterms:references Property
Qualified Term dcterms:references
Label References
Definition Indicates how the value came to be.
  • [' -W 00965 -02 0&basisOfRecord=PreservedSpecimen']
ods:score Property
Qualified Term ods:score
Label Score
Definition A score between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence in the value. 1 is the highest confidence and 0 is the lowest.


ods:ID Property
Qualified Term ods:ID
Label Id
Definition This is the PID of the target object. Valid targets are the Digital Specimen, Digital Media Object or another annotation.
  • ['', '']
ods:type Property
Qualified Term ods:type
Label Type
Definition This is the handle to the type of the target object.
  • ['', '']
oa:hasSelector Property
Qualified Term oa:hasSelector
Label Has Selector
Definition Optional field to indicate the part of the target object that is being annotated. It can be a field, a class or a region of interest.