Create Update Tombstone Event Resources (In Progress)

Create Update Delete Tombstone Resources (In Progress)

This page contains an assortment of resources to help explain the structure and relationship of the Create Update Tombstone Event object. The Create Update Tombstone Event data model is based on the W3C PROV model and is used to track the history of an object in the DiSSCo infrastructure. Within each object (Agent, Activity, Entity) are properties which indicate the relationship to each-other. For example the Entity has a property wasGeneratedBy which indicates the Activity that generated the Entity. While the serialisation is in json it follows semantic approach of the model and it should be relatively easy to serialise it to RDF. Alt text

Note that we don't use the PROV-JSON Serilization proposal as it has been stale for a long time. We also feel that it overcomplicated the model especially for the relatively simple use case we have in DiSSCo.


Class Diagrams

 class CreateUpdateTombstoneEvent { 
   ID : string 
   type : string 
 class Activity { 
   wasAssociatedWith : string 
   endedAtTime : string 
   used : string 
   comment : string 
   changeValue : array 
 class Entity { 
   value : object 
   wasRevisionOf : string 
   wasGeneratedBy : string 
   wasAttributedTo : string 
 class Agent { 
   name : string 
CreateUpdateTombstoneEvent -- Activity 
CreateUpdateTombstoneEvent -- Entity 
CreateUpdateTombstoneEvent -- Agent 


Entity-Relationship Diagrams

  CreateUpdateTombstoneEvent ||--|| Activity : Has
  CreateUpdateTombstoneEvent ||--|| Entity : Has
  CreateUpdateTombstoneEvent ||--|| Agent : Has

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